Ever wish you could sail through dental visits without anxiety or fear? Would you rather endure an agonizing toothache than go to the dentist? Answering “yes” to these questions could mean that you're a perfect candidate for sedation dentistry. With sedation dentistry, you can forget about fear and focus on pure relaxation. Call our Kingston, NY dentist office at (845) 338-4240 to schedule your next appointment.
There are different levels of sedation to accommodate every patient. Minimal sedation involves inhaling nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”). Nitrous oxide helps you relax and wears off quickly. Anti-anxiety medications can help mildly apprehensive patients feel more relaxed and conscious sedation which can help patients who have a high fear of dental treatment. Sedation could be the only solution for people with an intense fear or phobia of dentistry.
We offer SEDATION DENTISTRY for severely anxious or frightened patients. Experience dentistry in a stress free, relaxed, comfortable environment with little or no recall of the procedures.
Phone: (845) 338-4240 | Address: 54 Fair St. Kingston, NY 12401
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